Soft Diamond Light

Exquisite Artwork Production 

   T A L I S M A N  O F  S P I R I T U A L  P O W E R


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 About Anatole


Emanates a Powerful Electromagnetic Field | Activates & Cleans the Inner Atmosphere


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Supporting the Lighthouse Foundation



“It’s absolutely beautiful!."

Leon Nacson, International Bestselling Author



Soft Diamond Light Reviews

Heart of of Australia Day

(26 October)

The Heart of of Australia Day was founded by Anatole, inspired by the song, "Heart of Australia". The song was composed with platinum award-winning producers/ song-writers Adrian Hannan and Barbara Hannan. The Heart Awards were inpsired by Maggie Hamilton and Glean Barry as part of this special day.

On October 26 each year, the Heart of Australia Day will celebrate the living heart of these lands and its peoples. Uniting Australians to give voice to what we truly love about each other.



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|What is Soft Diamond Light?

Soft Diamond Light is a timeless piece and a truly one-of-a-kind artwork production.

The package includes: the hardback book: ‘Soft Diamond Light, Only love matters’, 312pp, full colour; Music CD: ‘Only love matters: music for Soft Diamond Light’ (15 tracks/62:16); CD booklet: Power of sacred music, 16pp; Music CD insert: info on musicians, 4pp; Beautiful presentation box: Elegant full-colour ‘clamshell’ box, velvet lining, diamond and lotus Illustration in holographic gold foil. (Order Now)

The response to the Soft Diamond Light package has been that it radiates a power for raising the vibratory atmosphere of wherever it resides. It uplifts everyone who comes within its field of influence. It emanates a powerful electro-magnetic field. It activates and cleans the inner superphysical atmosphere of your home or office space.

Soft Diamond Light is an intimate and first-person account of exploring the metaphysical universe to find the divine within, and manifesting the full potential of our spiritual selves into physical reality. It explores why you are far more remarkable than you 'think'. Anatole explores the bridge between exoteric and esoteric science.


"Utterly exquisite.”

Maggie Hamilton, Publisher, Inspired Living, Allen & Unwin

The overall package is empowered with the fire of love and light, connected to a long lineage of spiritual masters. Representing - and intimately connected to - Anatole’s personal spiritual journey over the last 45 years while bringing many major initiatives and projects into reality. This allowed him to discover what he has called the "Universal Manifestation Principle". The key metaphysical principle for how everything comes into physical manifestation. Anatole has used this understanding to manifest his businesses and projects.

This principle is introduced in the book along with other metaphysical processes that shape the physical. Soft Diamond Light has been designed to act as a catalyst to return to the serenity and stillness of the inner true Self. Inspired by the innate, intuitive impulse which lies within us, Soft Diamond Light is a call to manifest the full creative potential and personal power available to us all in the reality of our own lives. The objective of the Inspired Thinking Institute Pty Ltd was to publish a heartfelt, artwork production. The Soft Diamond Light package evolved over many, many years.


“ amazing and energy-filled package!”

Mandy Geddes, General Manager, Education at Institute of Executive Coaching and Leadership.

The essential premise behind the image, book and music, is that with every physical piece of artwork, literature and music comes the sum total of the vibratory energy invoked and generated during its production. This exists in the form of an animated and vitalised thought-form, holding the sum total of all the energy that went into the creation.


"...anyone who reads, listens & interacts with Soft Diamond Light will be inspired & touched..."

Julie Ann Storr, Marketing Consultant, USA





|Vision of Soft Diamond light

The package was primarily created to introduce the vision of Soft Diamond Light. The question this vision asks is just how far can we see...


|Talisman of Spiritual Power

Anatole has created Soft Diamond Light with a particular creative vision, aimed at enhancing the higher consciousness of everyone who experiences the mystical essence embedded within its images, text and music. Thereby it has the potential to impact you and your family in your home with the fullness of the vibratory note of its thought-form.


“...Just loved this beautiful set from the moment I opened the box"

Kalli Pulos, Senior Executive Coach/ Facilitator

In this way, the overall package was designed as a talisman of power to assist in raising the vibration of the planet. "The package has been specifically created to be a talisman of power, potent with energy even while unopened. It has been imbued with a conscious invocation of love, inspiration and excellence during the entire evolutionary process of its production. The package is empowered by the “visual mantra” of the Soft Diamond Light image and the vibratory energy of the music for Soft Diamond Light. This inner power can have a significant impact on everyone bathing in this vibratory atmosphere. (More info.)


"...literally emanates such a high level vibration ..."

Julie Ann Storr, Marketing Consultant, USA




|Image of Soft Diamond Light

The Soft Diamond Light image was inspired from a powerful meditation experience on the 9 April 1992 while Anatole was living in an ashram. The image represents the extraordinary power of your inner Self, and along with the music for Soft Diamond Light (described below) holds the vibratory energy of your inner Self. This occurs as you become more attuned and absorbed to the fullness of the present. (More info.)


|Book of Soft Diamond Light

The Soft Diamond Light image subsequently became the catalyst for the creation of the book, “Soft Diamond Light, Only love matters”. The key principles of creative manifestation are introduced in the book. The book seeks to provide some different pathways, and to open some new doorways for examining the true purpose of our lives in a different light. (More info.)


"...the book is utterly fascinating and makes for a compelling read.”

Margaret Gee, Author




Part 2 of the book has a unique combination of meditations with a related insight exploring the functional inner nature of the universe and our place within it as human beings expressing our divine inner Self.


""The meditation and insights are profound..."

Corrine Brown, International Holistic Trainer and Counsellor, Institute of Holistic Therapies (Australia)




|'Only love matters: music for Soft Diamond Light'

The spiritually-charged music for Soft Diamond Light is the CD called: ‘Only love matters’. It is essentially based on one melody - from a song originally composed by Anatole on the 4 January 1993 for his spiritual teacher - and comprises thirteen moves, one song and a reprise of rich healing energy.


Your music took my breath away...”

Susan Barton AM, founder, Lighthouse Foundation Ltd

The creation and production of the music, “Only love matters: music for Soft Diamond Light” emerged later after the concept for the book. The music was ultimately entirely based around a song written and performed for Anatole's spiritual teacher in her ashram on his birthday in 1997. "The beauty of the music rests in its ability to entice the listener to hear the silence and power within the notes."


"The music for Soft Diamond Light is inspiring, I'm sure it will touch many people in the world."

Jane Walmsley, Mother




"The music is saturated with the power of a lineage of spiritual masters." The more you dive into the music and dance with its rhythm, the more the music will invite you into its arms with its moments of simple serenity and fill you with the fullness of its inner power. (More info.)


|Angel of Soft Diamond Light: awakening your inner Self

Soft Diamond Light has been consciously energised with the invocation of a long lineage of spiritual masters and an awakened angelic presence. This devic energy is responsible for overseeing the generation and distribution of the inner power created by Soft Diamond Light.. It has been purposefully designed to assist us to become enlightened as to who we really are and to awaken our inner Self. Anyone can choose to cooperate with the energy of Soft Diamond Light and help raise the consciousness of this planet

A deva or angel is invoked wherever the book and music reside. The image, book and music are infused with the blessings of the deva, empowered by an auspicious lineage of spiritual Masters. Each Soft Diamond Light package is placed in a meditation room, to soak up the sacred vibes of powerful ancient mantras as they are chanted in the spiritually charged atmosphere, thus receiving the blessings of these spiritual masters


"...provides the perfect space for a spiritual meditation environment..."

Corrine Brown, International Holistic Trainer and Counsellor, Institute of Holistic Therapies (Australia)




|Vajrasattva Deva

Soft Diamond Light is inwardly overseen by the powerful radiance of energy emanating from the Vajrasattva, which is Sanskrit for the true spiritual essence of a diamond. (More Info).

“With my eyes closed and focusing gently on the Soft Diamond Light image, I could ‘see’ the brightness of the diamond shining within. Listening to the musical pieces shifted me to another place. It assisted me during my meditation. I can still sense the vibrational healing tones within my inner being. I felt connected with my true self, sensing the soul of the music with my soul self, a connection of Oneness.”

Corrine Brown, International Holistic Trainer and Counsellor, Institute of Holistic Therapies (Australia)

"...a very special book, just reading it is like meditation... The Soft Diamond Light creation is a marvel – it positively glitters with light and wisdom and compassion. It's one of the most beautiful book incarnations imaginable.”

Margaret Gee, Author


"A masterpiece...”

Belinda Wilson, Business Manager/ Co-owner



"Very special in every way – exquisitely produced, the words profound, the music soothing and divine."

"A total experience!”

Kalli Pulos, Senior Executive Coach/Facilitator 



" have created for us a sacred object of the highest production values to celebrate the divine."

Maggie Hamilton, Author


Anatole Petrovich Kononewsky

Media Interviews/ Speaking Engagements contact:

Anatole was the closing speaker for the conference: "Big Issues: Inspirational Thinking" to an echelon of global business leaders, with a line-up of world-class speakers, including the previous Prime Minister of Australia, Paul Keating. The conference was organised for the most powerful business networks in the world, the World's President's Organisation & Young President's Organisatio. His topic was in the area of "Metaphysics & Science: Mind, Heart, Body & Inner Spirit". (More info.)








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© 2012 Anatole Petrovch Kononewsky