Going beyond what you thought was possible!


If you THINK, this is for you.


Turning the World Around



Social & Environmental Initiatives 

Earthsupprt Technologies

Sebastian Hardie

Australian Institute of Criminology 


Creative Journey to 2025


A TV Series to USA

"A Look Down Under"


Toyota National

Advertising Campaign

Radio & TV Jingles


Vision of Soft Diamond Light


Soft Diamond Light

Artwork Production


Book: Soft Diamond Light,

Only love matters


Music Album: Only love mattrs:

music for Soft Diamond Light


Song: "Heart of Australia"

An Anthem for all Australians


Presentations at the

Melbourne Theosophical Society


The Musical



Social & Environmental Initiatives

Three Documentaries | Three Initiatives | Three Songs


Anatole Kononewsky is a multi-talented individual who is an inventor, research scientist, composer, author, and filmmaker. Managing Director of EarthSupport Technologies Pty Ltd -- he has specialized in the creation, incubation, development, and commercialization of innovative and disruptive environmental technologies for over 25 years. Anatole has also been involved in humanitarian and environmental projects, plus he is currently developing a number of major creative projects and productions.







An IP and R&D management company. As Managing Director of Earthsupport Technologies Pty Ltd, Anatole Kononewsky has specialized in the creation incubation, development and commercialisation of innovative, disruptive environmental technologies for more than 25 years.





Anatole Kononewsky is a research scientist with more than 40 years of experience of initiating, developing & successfully implementing major disruptive technologies & creative projects.

He has specialised in the development of start-up businesses for commercialisation as Managing Director of EarthSupport Technologies Pty Ltd since 1998.

He was the Founder of Global Valve Technology Limited, Chairman from 1999-2004 and is currently a director.

He initiated the successful licensing of the first disruptive GVT technology – the Centreline Flow Valve - into the USA. The company also developed a Patented Health Safe UnLeaded Water Meter, which represents an enormous advance in technology in an industry unchanged in decades until now.

Anatole has also been involved in humanitarian & environmental projects since the early 70’s, working with many world leaders.


The management of the research and development of the PowRchanics® hypothesis, theory, mathematics and preliminary empirical test results was done by Anatole Kononewsky during 2013 to 2024. He also was the co-creator of the essential understanding for this new scientific Hypothesis with the potential of being a new source of power generation.


Two patent applications have been filed with Anatole Kononewsky as co-inventor. This patent application has been granted in seven countries. The second patent was lodged in January 2024. During our R&D process five (5) additional technologies were identified and Trade Secrets were formalised specifically in relation to our granted patent based upon our scientific hypothesis.

PowRchanics has been advised by its Patent Attorney that “…the Clean PowR trade secrets supplement the Clean PowR patents..." Stage One R&D: 'Initial Investigations of Concept' has been completed and Stsge Two R&D: 'Investigation of Technical Risks for Apllication' is now to be undertaken.






History & Background

Creative Journey to 2025

The First 75 Years....

Part One   |   Part Two





School (1960's)

Click on Image for More Information




Projects (1970's)

CINCH Australian Criminology Database

Anatole was directly responsible for initiating developing and implementing the original CINCH service at the Australian Institute of Criminology in 1976-77. He named CINCH, as an acronym for: ‘Computerised Information from National Criminological Holdings’ 

In 1977 Anatole presented the CINCH DataBase (pp 41-43) at the J.V. Barry Memorial Library.

The first data base service was made available in 1978 via the CDC CYBER 76 computer at CSIRONET based in Canberra. It started requests being received manually from researchers nationally and from around the world. These were processed and the print-outs of hard-copy reports were sent out by the JV Barry Library.

“CINCH provides a register of citations to Australian criminological materials. CINCH allows Australian criminological research to be viewed by Australian and overseas researchers, and facilitates an 'international marketing of ideas’…”. Justice Michael Kirby, President of the New South Wales Court of Appeal, launched CINCH (Computerised Information from National Criminological Holdings) as a public access database on AUSINET, at the Lakeside International Hotel in Canberra on the 23 April 1985.

In 2024, CINCH is still available as a service to researchers around the world some 48 years later.


"The Cost of the Criminal Justice System: An analysis"

by Anatole Kononewsky

As Senior Research Officer with the Australian Institute of Criminology in 1974 to 1977 Anatole prepared and published the research study, "The Cost of the Criminal Justice System: An analysis" at the request of the then Federal Attorney-General of Australia, Robert Ellicott Q.C.

The publication received comprehensive national media coverage around Australia.

"One of the world's leading authority on crime statistics, Professor Leslie Wilkens said the study is an interesting piece of research which certainly raises some important questions.” Editor, Australian Institute of Criminology Newsletter, 1977


This study examines the actual cost to the Australian taxpayer of maintaining the nation's criminal justice system - police, prisons, courts, etc. - the system that exists as a direct result of crime in our society. The study analyses expenditure over the period 1963-64 to 1973-74 on Law, Order and Public Safety and compares it to expenditure on Education and Health. The Law, Order and Public Safety classification is examined in greater detail under the headings Gaols and Reformatories, Administration of Justice and Police.

"I can cite, as an example, publication earlier this

year by Mr Anatole Kononewsky, a Senior Research Officer

at the Institute. Mr Kononewsky made the first detailed analysis

of just what it was actually costing to maintain the criminal

justice system throughout Australia."  

The Attorney-General MR R.J. Ellicott Q.C., 12 November 1976.







Projects (1980's)

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Projects (1990's)




Jingles - 1997

Sydney Auto World

The Peter Warren Automotive Group is a family owned group of automotive dealerships in South West Sydney and South East Queensland.



Toyota: "Move 'em Out!"

$1/2 million, National Multi-media Advertising Campaign for Toyota Motor Corporation Australia.

Dale Automotive Finance

Car finance Jingle


Suttons Holden:

"In the Heart of the City"

Major media campaign launching new city dealership.

Hunter Holden Campaign

Hunter Holden campaign as

a premier Holden dealership.


Alto Group - "Putting the Customer First"

The Alto Group has been successfully serving

the motoring needs of Sydney for over 60 years.

Auto Alley on Church Street Parramatta has long been recognised as the best place in Sydney to browse for a new car or motorcycle.


"Midnight Sale"

Concept for Lighting Chain of Stores.

Composed & Produced by

Anatole Kononewsky & Kevin Bennett (*)

(*) Inducted into the Hands of Fame, Tamworth 2023. Well respected singer/songwriter with Sydney roots band The Flood, CMAA Gold Guitar winner in 2006 and 2011 also Aria Nominee for 2006. He sings his life.

© 1997 Kevin Bennett & Anatole Petrovich Kononewsky






Projects (21st Century)

Vision of Soft Diamond Light

Creating a world of peace & prosperity for eveyone on the planet.



View Report


NOTE: This vision now includes the initiative,

Heart of Australia (26 October) below.



Soft Diamond Light

A Timeless Artwork Production

More Information


The Soft Diamond Light artwork production with Book & CD was

primarily created to launch the vision of Soft Diamond Light.


Soft Diamond Light Artwork Production is

available at the T.S. Bookshop (Melbourne).

Soft Diamond Light - More Information







More Information - The Book

Soft Diamond Light, Only love matters

Written by Anatole Kononewsky


Available at the T.S. Bookshop (Melbourne)




More Information - the CD Album

Only love matters: music for Soft Diamond Light™

Composed & Produced by Anatole Kononewsky



"I Know I Am" Sheet Music (Music Notes)







Inspire | Celebrate | Unite

An anthem for all Australians

The Song, Heart of Australia

Performed by Tarryn Stokes

Winner of The Voice Australia (2023)

Listen to the Official Music Video



Heart of Australia Reviews & Initiatives 2024

The Song | Initiatives | Background | What's Next?


The Song: Heart of Australia

Overview (Official release: 26th October 2022)

  • An anthem for all Australians
  • More than a Song

“It’s a great song….” John Foreman OAM

Initiatives Inspired by the Song

  • Heart of Australia Day (Launched 26th October 2021)
  • Journey to the Heart(Launched 26th October 2021)
  • Heart Connections (Launched 26th October 2022)
  • Hearts Beat STRONG(Launched 26th October 2023)
  • G.I.V.E. (Official Launch 26th October 2024)

How it Started?

  • Before it’s Too Late Initiative(1990 to 1996)
  • “Our Children’s Future,in our hands” documentary (Launched 1993)
  • Lighthouse Foundation ongoing support.

Joseph Chilton Pearce (The U.S. Senate Adviser on Early Childhood Development, U.S. Lecturer and international best-selling author) stated in 1991:“…was very impressed with your work."

What’s Next?

Heart of Australia Awards (2025)

All of the above were inspired by the Vision of Soft Diamond Light. Creating a world of peace & prosperity for everone on the planet. Thia was launched in the Soft Diamond Light artwork production.


National & International Celebrity

Song Reviews for the Heart of Australia

Heart of Australia Reviews-Oct 2024

Song Review Slides

Heart of Australia Sheet Music (Musicnotes)

Words and Music by Anatole Kononewsky,

Barbara Hannan and Adrian Hannan



Heart of Australia Day (26 October) |  Initiative Information Slides

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A Musical with a Inner Difference

(Click Above Image for More Information)




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Introduction (PDF, 287K)




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