
P  R  O  D  U  C  T  I  O  N  S


Inspiring Music with a Difference | Commercial Jingle Samples

Mantrika Shakti for Business or Individuals | Film-makers

TV Shows & Corporate Videos



T h e   P O W E R   o f   S O U N D !

Anatole Petrovich Kononewsky is a creative director of major advertising campaigns.

He is a composer, film-maker, author and inventor.He love's the creation and joy of making music sound good.

Advertising Agencies, Creative Directors and Film-makers:

CONTACT US Mobile: +61 400 820 110 | Email







Creative Director: Anatole Kononewsky

Sydney Auto World

The Peter Warren Automotive Group is a family owned

group of automotive dealerships in South West Sydney

and South East Queensland.

Toyota: "Move 'em Out!"

A $1/2 million, national multi-media advertising campaign for Toyota Motor Corporation Australia. “There has been significant comment from some of our competitors along the lines that ‘the sleeping giant is waking'. Congratulations on a job that is being well done…” RF Lawson, General Manager, Toyota Motor Corporation Australia.


Dale Automotive & Finance

Car finance Jingle.

Suttons Holden: "In the Heart of the City"

Major media campaign launching new city dealership.


.Hunter Holden Campaign

Hunter Holden campaign as a premier Holden dealership.


The Alto Group has been successfully serving the

motoring needs of Sydney for over 60 years.


Auto Alley on Church Street Parramatta has long been recognised as the best place in Sydney to browse for a new car or motorcycle.

"Midnight Sale"

Concept for Lighting Chain of Stores.

Produced by Kevin Bennett & Anatole Kononewsky

© 1997 Kevin Bennett & Anatole Kononewsky





Endorsed by the Australian Government


Producer of 16 week Export Development TV Series to

USA showcasing Australia Technology - 1988





"Australia wants to link with the world's economy, initiatives such as 'A Look Down Under’ can help create vital links between companies…"

Senator Button, TV Series to USA, 1988. “A Look Down Under"

Excerpt from First TV Show shown on Financial News Network in the USA.





"Before it’s Too Late" Initiative

Inspired by the Video Documentary:

"Our Children’s Future in our Hands”

Founder/ Producer

Anatole founded the Before it's Too Late" initiative to support our children's future. He also created a documentary called "Our Children's Future, in Our Hands". During 1993 to 1995 Robert Kiyosaki, International Best Selling Author and Max walker, Best selling Author and Sportsman were media spokesmen for a national multi-media Campaign.


“The ‘Before it’s Too Late’ project is important in that it brings to our attention the problems our youth confront today. The project also provides a vehicle whereby leaders of the community can join in with government and community organisations to help young people in a positive way.”

The Hon. Michael John, Minister of Community Services, 1993 (Opening address: Launch of video documentary, “Our Children’s Future in Our Hands”)


“Before it’s Too Late has my personal support. It is creating ways for all of us to give!” Max Walker, Australian Cricketer and National TV Sports commentator,


The Before it’s Too Late project is such a positive way of supporting children... You have my support.Lulu, International Singer and Actor.



I N S P I R I N G   M U S I C   W I T H   A   D I F F E R E N C E

F i l m - m a k e r s


Three Documentaries | Three Initiatives | Three Songs


geni      OCF cover      worawa


Original Sound-track for "Leading the Way" Documentary

Soundtrack 1

Soundtrack 2

Produced & Performed by Anatole Petrovich Kononewsky




Soft Diamond Light


CD Album

"Only Love matters: music for Soft Diamond Light"


About the music production



"Your music took my breath away...”

Susan Barton AM, founder, Lighthouse Foundation Ltd


"...the music soothing and divine."

Kalli Pulos, Senior Executive Coach/Facilitator


"your music inspired me. So full of delightful energy... beautiful settings and improvisations by all the musicians.”

Jean Gressang, Musician


“Beautiful, calming, angelic music... Soothing my sou!!”

Ankya Klay, Transformational Photographer


"Listening to the musical pieces shifted me to another place. It assisted me during my meditation. I felt connected with my true self, sensing the soul of the music with my soul self, a connection of Oneness.”

Corrine Brown, International Holistic Trainer and Counsellor,

Institute of Holistic Therapies (Australia)


" of my most top 5 pieces of music in the world that I love. I was lost for words listening to it for the first time. I love it."

Kelly Kingston, Founder, Netpost Australia


"The music is inspiring, I'm sure it will touch many people in the world."

Jane Walmsley, Mother



About the Production


The album. "Only love matters: music for Soft Diamond Light" was produced using a very unique and intuitive production process over a number of years.

All the instrumental recording sessions were played to the one melody of the song. The original instrumental recording sessions by each of the musicians where so stand alone that they really had no idea what the finished CD was going to be. (In fact, none of us did!) All of the musicians thought they were primarily playing backing pieces to the song.

The actual shape of the CD and the individual tracks only emerged after a very long time in the editing and mixing process. This occurred as we slowly brought together all the individual musical takes into what became the final overall piece of music based on the song. There were also some new tracks created in the editing process to produce the final CD.

The music, originating from a large number of independent, individual instrumental tracks, recorded by different musicians over a number of months, slowly came together to reveal one coherent overall piece of music. It ended up as thirteen ‘moves’, a song and a reprise, coming together as one piece of music based on the one melody of the song while still maintaining their individual 'note' in the overall CD as fifteen unique and distinctive tracks.

The overall production of the music took a journey of fourteen years to prepare and complete. Most of this time was spent on the inner preparation and energy generated from the song, first written back in 1993. performed for my spiritual teacher in a private darshan on 25th March 1997 and then requested by her to have it performed again in front of hundreds in a ashram on my birthday, 1st April 1997.


"Light Strings & Guitar Mix for the Heart"

Composed, Arranged, Produced & Mixed by Anatole Petrovich Kononewsky


The above mix is based on Tracks 2 & 3 in Album.

"Move 2 A short interlude" & "Move 3 Only love matters"

© 2010 Anatole Petrovich Kononewsky





Ancient Power of Sound (Mantrika Shakti)

Everything Comes into Physical Reality via Sound

Everything is Energy or Vibration!



We work closely, intuitively and intelligently to create an inspiring "Signature" or "Sound" for your corporation, project and/or event to enhance and/or empower it, as the case may be.

We have direct access to world-class singers, musicians, composers and conductors.



Create an original:


Corporations | Projects | Events

E N H A N C E  your  B R A N D


Create an unique:


Corporations | Projects | Events

E M P O W E R  your  B R A N D



In esoteric tradition and understanding, every seed in nature creates a "unique note" when it germinates! This "etheric note" is its specific sound signature that embodies what it can and does become.

This intelligence within nature creates a glorious symphony of inner sound forming the source of all manifestation. There is a body of ancient teaching and wisdom called Mantrika or Matrika Shakti. The force or power of letters, speech, or music. It is the creative power inherent in sound -- every sound being a vibration, and every vibration having its own numerical keynote

Consider that every creative act, especially your business, is manifested via the use of sound -- selling/ marketing/ PR/ Planning is all about this! Essentially, speech gives form and expression to emotion: an idea animated with an direction!

But the inner truth is far more profound and powerful in its implications and applications!





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© 2014 Anatole Petroviich Kononewsky