Stillness & the Heart of Intelligence (PDF)


“Looking through the slides gave me that feeling of awe that occasionally

occurs when I’ve been reading something profound and I know that I

have been so privileged to have been guided to it.  …thank you for this,

which (as George Gurdjieff says) are ‘objective art’.”

Suzanne Stout, Programming Subcommittee, Perth

Theosophical Society and Clinical Psychologist.  


“Congratulations Anatole. We look forward to

being able to experience the project live.”

Michele Sender, Founder, Fohat Publications and Pablo Sender 





Experience Soft Diamond Light

Melbourne Official Launch - 13 July 2024


Experience the Beautiful Presence & Powerful Atmosphere

of the Melbourne Theosophical Society Bookshop.


The mission of Soft Diamond Light is to expand the limitless

potential of the mind and to explore the profound,

deeper mysteries and inner qualities of life.


Soft Diamond Light


Petrea King, Founding Director and CEO, Quest for Life Foundation, 

“The gift of Soft Diamond Light has illuminated our hours since

it arrived. It has a presence about it and shines with a special luminosity.”


Doug De Vito, Author, Principal Partner at Spirited Business

Ventures, USA stated that "Soft Diamond Light gives off a very

strong and palpable energy field around the box. This field is quite powerful.”


Mandy Geddes, General Manager, Institute of

Executive Coaching and Leadership, simply said: 

“…an amazing and energy-filled package!”


Maggie Hamilton, Author/ Publisher, ‘Inspired Living’, Allen & Unwin said, 

“Some people build cathedrals or write poetry orpaint to honour the light – you

have created for us a sacred object of the highest production values to celebrate the divine.

Thank you for your love and eye for detail... nothing to say except – utterly exquisite.”


Susan Barton AM, Founder, Lighthouse Foundation:

“Your music took my breath away, it touched the core of my being.”


Leon Nacson, International Bestselling Author: 

“It’s absolutely beautiful!”


Soft Diamond Light refers to the energy of our inner Self – our spiritual essence.

The image, book and music of Soft Diamond Light were

created to provide an expression of this essence.


“I have now read Soft Diamond Light which I really enjoyed.

I listen regularly to the CD…. I think your project

needs to be known about far and wide.”  


Suzanne Stout, Perth Theosophical Society

and Clinical Psychologist, 2024



Special Video Presentation:

Causal Body of Arhat - 'Man Visible & Invisble' by C.W. Leadbeater


The Masters

Mahacholan, Lord Maitreya, Master Morya,

Master Koot Hoomi Lal Singh


The Image

The power to call forth your higher Self, to uplift and inspire a greater capacity for love, happiness and selfless service in this world.


The Book

Part One

Soft Diamond Light Gem one

(World Consciousness, government and peace).

Part Two

Soft Diamond Light Gem Two

(Meditation: ‘Eternity” & Insight: “The unquenchable fire of divine love”.



The Music

i3: inner inspired impulse

A Contemporary Ballet Overview -- 9 Dances






Dynamics of

How life works?

Going beyond what you thought was possible!


Presented to:

Melbourne Theosophical Society (10 Aug 2024)

Mornington Peninsula Group Theosophical Society (1 Sep 2024)

Blavatsky Lodge of the Theosophical Society in Australia (20 Nov 2024)


Structure & Production


Creative Power of Stillness

World Blessing


Enter the Thought Tube™


Part 1: Seeing the Invisible™

There’s more to life than meets the eye!

Superphysical Bodies

Thought Forms

Musical Thought Forms

Part 2: Bringing an Idea into Reality

Creative Art of Manifestation

Egoference™ & Ego-Freedom™

Stop inter-fearing with your success! & Moving into Freedom

Inner Inspired Impulse vs. External Reactive Impulse

Part 3: Breaking the MIND Barrier™

Achieving extraordinary results!


In-Alignment Vitality Technique

Metaphysics & Quantum Physics

Intelligence of the Heart


Finale: Soft Diamond Light Invocations Part 1, 2 & 3 (See below).

Listen to the Heart of Australia.



Experience the Power of the

Soft Diamond Light Invocations


Intelligence of the Heart

Featuring the "Heart of Australia"

Performed by Tarryn Stokes

Winner of The Voice Australia (2023)



Soft Diamond Light, Only love matters by

Anatole Petrovich Kononewsky

Melbourne Theosophical Society Bookshop


One of the fundamental realities emerging in the 21st Century, common to both quantum physics and metaphysics, is the recognition of the inter-connectivity, interdependence and essential unity of all life.

Explore: A meaningful, well ordered, specific plan of evolution that extends to the far reaches of the solar system, of which we are one small important fundamental integral part. The only thing that separates anything, from anywhere, at anytime in the    entire universe is our state of consciousness. The only purpose of life is the never-ending discovery and expression of higher states of consciousness.

Consider: We do not exist in isolation in this solar system. In fact, we are slap dab in the middle of a beautifully designed, intricate plan of evolutionary unfoldment bringing our inner spiritual essence to its full realisation. Our purpose is to unfold our innate higher states of awareness and consciousness to discover there’s more to life than meets the eye.




There is a systematic plan of evolution, involving everything and everyone contained in our solar system, with a definite intelligent goal in mind. There is a specific method, laid down through the ages, of shortening this plan, so that by a conscious effort we may progress more directly towards that goal.

This method asserts we need not trust to blind faith, but that we have within us latent powers, which when aroused, enable us    to see and examine for ourselves the truth.

This method also proves its case by showing how these powers can be awakened within us. This awakening is fundamental to   the initiation of a superhuman evolutionary process.

Once these powers are initiated within us they unfold in conscious cooperation with the intelligence within nature.


Presenter Background

Anatole Kononewsky is a multi-talented individual who has more than 40 years’ experience of initiating, developing & successfully implementing major technology & creative projects.  

He is an inventor, research scientist, composer, author & filmmaker. He has specialized in the creation, incubation, development of innovative, disruptive environmental technologies for over 25 years.

Anatole has also been involved in humanitarian & environmental projects since the early 70’s, working with many world leaders.  He recently founded the Heart of Australia (26 October) inspired by the song, Heart of Australia, the aim is to Inspire, Celebrate and Unite all Australians.

Anatole is the creator of a major work, the Soft Diamond Light artwork production which features a full colour book & music   CD. The book is a philosophical work that introduces the "Universal Manifestation Principle”. It also  launched the vision for Soft  Diamond Light to inspire a world of peace and prosperity for everyone on the planet.


Anatole Kononewky


Soft Diamond Light

Only Love Matters Album

Enter the Thought Tube

Three Documentaries & Initiatives

Global Valve Technology Limited

Heart of Australia (26 October)





"I have known Anatole for decades as a friend, mentor, and thought leader, and his presentation on the Dynamics of Manifestation at the Blavatsky Lodge of the Theosophical Society exemplifies his brilliance. Anatole has a rare talent for breaking down the principles of Spiritual Intelligence—Presence, Service, and Non-Attachment—into actionable insights that empower individuals to accelerate extraordinary results in every area of life."

"His innovative approach, which he calls "Breaking the Mind Barrier," is a game-changer. Anatole guides his audience through the complexities of consciousness, helping them dissolve resistance and unlock their highest potential. He combines a lifetime of research, study and personal experience with an extraordinary ability to communicate complex ideas in a clear, accessible way."

"Anatole has the ability to map and guide his audience through the terrain of consciousness towards the understanding of the highest possibilities withinin our state of mind, to influence and dissolve the sources of resistance, obstacles and conflict that usually interfere with our creativity, achievement and human connection in successful outcomes."

"The tools and strategies Anatole shares are simple yet transformative, with far-reaching implications for business, communities, and personal well-being. His work is essential for anyone seeking clarity, alignment, and synergy to navigate our fast-paced, evolving world."

"Anatole is a true pioneer, and I cannot recommend him highly enough."


Teresa Page, Starmakers, Australia, December 2024








Their are three core theosophical teachings that are

fundamental to the expression of physical life:

Dharma – highest creative purpose of consciousness.

Reincarnation – continuity & creative control of consciousness.

Karma - causality & consequences of consciousness.


These teachings form a foundation for the

Science of Stillness & the intelligence of the heart. 

And the musical "Stillness: Fire of Dance & Music” is

essentially based upon the above three areas.


Featuring the Song:

“We Become Everything” 

(Demo recording) 

 “Wow, just listened to the song!

Sounds amazing I love it!!”  

Mia Pirie, Student


“I listened to the song “We Become Everything” and it

was beautifully uplifting. I believe that if the people of

this earth listened to more music with lyrics like this, along

with watching the cosmological-themed visuals that went

with it, humanity would be evolving much quicker!”  

Suzanne Stout, a leading Clinical Psychologist in Western Australia


“Just SO BEAUTIFUL, Anatole! I sincerely wish for this

to become a song on many people’s lips and in their

hearts. It is anthemic, uplifting and soulful!”  

Kalli Pulos, Senior Executive Facilitator,

Institute of Executive Coaching and Leadership.




Heart of Australia Reviews & Initiatives (2024)







Enter the Thought Tube




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